Infinitynode setup guide


Infinitynodes are of three kinds:

  • SIN-LIL: 100,000 (BURN) + 10,000 (collateral)

  • SIN-MID: 500,000 (BURN) + 10,000 (collateral)

  • SIN-BIG: 1,000,000 (BURN) + 10,000 (collateral)

    • the BURN amount represents the sum of coins that will be "burnt" and no longer be available for trading.

    • the collateral (10,000 coins) will remain locked inside your wallet. Unlocking and moving these coins will disable the node.


When you open the wallet, ALWAYS let it fully sync. It will take a long time the first time you open it, so, please, be patient.

1. The BURN transaction

Open your Sinovate local wallet and create a new receiving address:

  • top menu, click on FILE, then on Receiving address

  • label the address (for example: BIG - see photo).

  • copy that newly generated address.

  • go to the SEND tab of the wallet and paste the address in the "Pay To" field.

  • in the "Amount" field, enter the BURN amount you wish to build your infinitynode with (100,000 / 500,000 / 1,000,000) - see photo below.

  • the amount has to be exact, no more, no less.

  • click SEND and wait until the transaction has 6 confirmations.

  • after the confirmations are there, return to the SEND tab, and click on the OPEN COIN CONTROL button.

  • a list with transactions should open. Select the transaction with the BURN amount (in our example it would be the 1,000,000 coins transaction, it should be the first one from the top). You select it by checking the little checkbox on its left. This will ensure that the next process, the burn transaction, will be done only from that source.

  • from the wallet's top menu, click on Help and then on Debug Window.

Before you enter the burn command, make sure you unlock the wallet. Open the debug console/window and enter this command: walletpassphrase password 100 *replace password with your wallet password. The 100 is the number of seconds your wallet will remain unlocked, so any number will do.

  • as shown in the photo above, enter the burning command in the debug window's bottom field. The command will be infinitynodeburnfund, followed by the BURN amount (100000 / 500000 / 1000000).

  • Make sure the command is entered properly, because you will no longer be able to recover these coins.

  • In the photo above we have an example for the SIN-BIG infinitynode, so the command in that case is infinitynodeburnfund 1000000

After you entered the BURN command, you will receive an output similar to the one from the photo below. Copy the content of your output in Notepad, you will need this info later.

2. The Collateral Transaction

Unlike the BURN transaction, which takes the coins out of reach, making them unspendable, the Collateral Transaction contains 10,000 SIN coins that will remain locked inside your local wallet, but fully under your control.

  • Go to the SEND tab, in your Sinovate wallet, and send exactly 10,000 coins to the SAME ADDRESS you used for the BURN transaction.

  • Wait until it has 6 confirmations.

  • The two transactions needed (BURN and Collateral), should look like this inside your Transactions tab:

3. The Infinitynode PRIVKEY

  • Open the Debug Window/Console and enter the following command: masternode genkey

  • the result of that command is the infinitynode's private key. You will need it for the following steps of the setup.

4. Transaction-IDs and indexes

The BURN transaction ID and index: - in the wallet's transaction's tab, double click on your BURN transaction (the one that has its label like this: SinBurnAddress1234...)

The Collateral transaction ID and index: - open the debug console and enter this command: masternode outputs

5. Editing the Infinitynode.conf file

  • In the wallet's top menu, click on TOOLS -> OPEN Infinitynode.conf

  • On a new row, enter the infinitynode's configuration line.

The line is composed of:

  • SAVE the file, then RESTART the wallet.


For the next part we'll continue with the same type of visual approach, to make the process easier to follow.

A. First Phase

  • Connect to your VPS and enter your new password for first time installation.

  • Then enter wget

  • Then enter the chmod +x command!

  • After that, enter this command: ./

  • Scrypt will ask you to enter a new username for security reasons.

  • If you don’t enter a new username, the default username will be sinovate!

  • After the new username, it will ask for a new password (choose a strong password that you won't forget).

The installation will take ~8-10 minutes. Please be patient!

First phase of installation is done. Logout from your VPS.

B.Second Phase

  • Install and open Bitvise.

  • Now you will continue with your new username and password.

The photo below is how your first connection screen will look like:

  • As shown in the 2 photos below, you will need to enter this command first: su <username>

  • Then, this command:


  • Enter ./sin-cli mnsync status to see the synchronization process!

Wait until you see the MASTERNODE_SYNC_FINISHED status. This process can take up to 30 mins or more.

You can check the process by entering ./sin-cli getblockcount to see what block it is currently up to.

  • Open the wallet, go to the Infinity Nodes tab, select your node, then click the START ALIAS button.

  • the infinitynode should change its status to PRE_ENABLED, then ENABLED.

  • However, all masternode cold wallets can sometimes show inaccurate statuses that might trick you into restarting, as mentioned in the small Note, above your node(s).

  • That's why, you can check the infinitynode's status from the VPS as well.

  • On your VPS screen enter the ./sin-cli masternode status command

  • You should see the status: Masternode successfully started

Finally, add the following command as a single line to ensure uninterrupted operation of the vps:

crontab -l | { cat; echo "*/5 * * * * /home/$USER/"; } | crontab -

  • You can check Crontab 10 minutes later

nano ~/.sin/sin_control.log

Last updated

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